Trends, challenges and issues of online advertising 2011
Perspectives-Lab presented, for SRI, a study on the trends, challenges and issues of online advertising in theframework of the first edition of e-advertising studies: “A space for interactivity and contributions in all theirforms, the participatory Web has given impetus to radical changes in relationships between individuals but alsobetween individuals and brands. What is the place of online advertising in this universe? How has advertisingbeen impacted by these changes? With the insights and knowledge of a dozen experts from the digital worlds,Perspectives-Lab, consultants in brand strategy and trends, examined these questions.
The results of their studymake it possible to situate online advertising in the Web’s ecosystem but also to observe the major trends thatunderpin it and the upcoming challenges and issues that await it.” To go deeper into this subject and discover theeight trends of online advertising, Perspectives-Lab invites you to read the study on SRI’s site: